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JJ Fitness
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JJ Fitness Online Coach - 07464 201775

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About Me

Hi my name is Josh Jones from South Wales. I started in the fitness industry as I was mentally and physically in a bad place and wanted to make a change. At one point I weighed a whopping 21 stone and knew then it was now or never. The changes started to happen week by week and my passion for this industry just grew and grew.. We are an online coaching team and have clients from around the world. At the end of the year I will be looking to step on stage. Pushing myself to places I’ve never been before. Along side this, our main goal at JJ Fitness is to help as many clients We can achieve the results they think about daily and turn them into reality.. We help them change not just the way they look but the way they think about their daily routines too, bringing fitness into their lifestyle whilst not making it a chore. Here at JJ Fitness we take pride in our clients progress and do everything in our power to ensure that they achieve what they want. Check out our Instagram for client transformations, testimonials and to see me training!

Home: About Me

What can we offer at JJ Fitness...

Daily Coaching


I will keep up to date with you daily and provide you with motivational messages and provide any assistance to help you achieve your fitness goal.

Meal Plans


I will also help you by providing you with weekly meal preparation based on your end goal. If there is certain foods you don't like or cant eat then don't worry we can work around that.

Workout Routines


I will provide you weekly in depth workout routines based on your end goal and what equipment and time you have available.

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Home: Testimonials

I signed up with JJ Fitness on the 17th March off the back of an off the cuff conversation with my cousin who runs the business, to help him kickstart it, and I didn’t think I would be here still subscribing but I am committed to the succeeding more than ever now. I am now 9 weeks in a stone and half down, doing training that at the beginning of the year I never even dreamed I would be doing. Even JJ has been impressed with my commitment to it ... but that’s the key and that’s what he has taught me. I have yo yo dieted for over 25 years, and actually for the first time in my life I truly believe I have a sustainable method and lifestyle of keeping the weight off for good. The personal training and healthy lifestyle plan he gave me works exactly how he said it would ... it’s me that has to stick to it though and JJ Fitness has encouraged me all the way, even when I’ve gone off track! We even have a fast growing whats app JJ Fitness community group, which is helping each individual to achieve THEIR goals - the ones that each client has chosen for themselves. The business is client lead, and that is another significant strength of JJ - he doesn’t push anything on you - he drives you towards what you want - SIMPLE REALLY - but he’s flipping good at it too. Aside from the fact that we are related, I would recommend JJ Fitness to any guy or girl that has a goal to change there lifestyle, and become healthier and fitter. Everything that I have achieved has been done through online social media and live video calls and recordings with JJ Fitness - he makes you accountable which means you achieve and thrive!

Gwyn Jones

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